Europäischer Elite-Mittelstandspreis 2007 an Gerhard Schröder

Gerhard Schröder, der 7. Kanzler der  Bundesrepublik Deutschland,  ist der erste deutsche Träger des Europäischen Elite-Mittelstandspreises/European Elite SME Award in der Globalstufe. Am 5. November 2007 erhielt er die Auszeichnung für seine Verdienste um die europäische Wirtschaft und den europäischen Mittelstand im Rahmen einer Festveranstaltung in der Berliner Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz „Bertelsmann Unter den Linden 1“. Vorgänger als Preisträger sind Bill Clinton, der 42. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, und der frühere chinesische Ministerpräsident Zhu Rongji. 


Vergeben wird der Preis durch die Union Mittelständischer Unternehmen e.V. - UMU, München, und ihren Europäischen Dachverband European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EUSME), Brüssel, unterstützt von weiteren Mittelstandsverbänden.   Damit stehen ca. 1,3 Millionen Unternehmen mit mehr als 5 Millionen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern hinter der Auszeichnung.


Die Jury hob den Anteil Gerhard Schröders am Zustandekommen grundlegender Sozial- und Wirtschaftsreformen in der Bundesrepublik hervor. Trotz starker Widerstände in großen Teilen der Bevölkerung habe er mit großem Mut begonnen, den jahrzehntelangen Reformstau auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und in den sozialen Sicherungssystemen aufzulösen. UMU-Präsident Hermann Sturm: „Der Einstieg in die kapitalgedeckte Rentenversicherung ist ein Meilenstein in der Zukunftssicherung des deutschen Rentensystems. Und die Reformen, die unter dem Begriff ‚Agenda 2010’ und ‚Hartz’ geführt werden, bedeuten einen Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Politik.“


Laudator Professor Roland Berger würdigte Gerhard Schröder als bedeutenden Reformkanzler. Deutschlands bekanntester Unternehmensberater erläutert: "Unser derzeitiger Wirtschaftsaufschwung ist wirtschaftlich betrachtet der Aufschwung unserer tüchtigen Unternehmer und Arbeitnehmer. Politisch gesehen aber ist er der Aufschwung unseres früheren Bundeskanzlers Gerhard Schröder."


Die Jury würdigte zudem die Steuerreformen in der Regierungszeit Gerhard Schröders, durch die kleine und mittlere Unternehmen wesentlich entlastet wurden, seinen Einsatz zur langfristigen Sicherung der Energieversorgung sowie sein Engagement für die Exportförderung deutscher Unternehmer. 

Europäischer Mittelstandspreis 2004/05

Europäischer Mittelstandspreis 2004/2005 an früheren chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten Zhu Rongji


Die Union Mittelständischer Unternehmen (UMU) zeichnete den früheren chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten Zhu Rongji mit dem Europäischen Mittelstandspreis 2004/2005 aus. Zhu Rongji erhielt die Auszeichnung am 7. Dezember 2004 in Peking.

Die Laudatio hielt Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder.

Die Veranstaltung wurde von den Sponsoren Daimler Chrysler (China), Bayer AG sowie GaLaBau China unterstützt.


Zur Begründung der Preisverleihung sagte UMU-Präsident Hermann Sturm: „Die Reformen des chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten Zhu Rongji in seiner Amtszeit von 1998 bis 2003 haben ausländische Kapitalbeteiligungen in China überhaupt erst richtig möglich gemacht. Davon haben auch viele kleine und mittlere Firmen in Europa profitiert. Ohne das Engagement von Zhu Rongji hätten sie keine Chance gehabt auf dem chinesischen Markt." Insbesondere mit der Förderung des Transrapid habe er sich zudem um die deutsche Zukunftstechnologie verdient gemacht. Aber auch die Förderung von Großprojekten ausländischer Investoren, wie etwa der U-Bahnbau in Shanghai, habe vielen mittleren und auch kleinen Firmen, die als Zulieferer oder Dienstleister tätig sind, neue Aufträge beschert.

Und mit dem Beitritt Chinas zur Welthandelsorganisation WTO legte Zhu Rongji den Grundstein für den Aufstieg des Landes zur größten Volkswirtschaft der Erde. Sturm: „Zhu Rongji war über zwei Jahrzehnte lang die treibende Kraft für die rasante wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in China. Er ist für China, was Ludwig Erhard für Deutschland war."


SME Award Bill Clinton 2002

SME Award 2002/2003 (Europäischer Mittelstandspreis) by the European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises together with its subsidiary branch, the German Union of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (UMU). The Vice President of the European Parliament, Dr. Ingo Friedrich, MdEP, held the speech in honour of Mr. Clinton.


The presentation ceremony of the award was conducted under the patronage of the former German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, in the presence of prominent guests of honour in Munich on the 4th October 2002.

The prize was awarded to the former U.S. president in acknowledgement of his contributions to the flourishing world economy and export trade during his period of office as president. Due to Mr. Clinton´s efforts, many small and medium-sized firms benefited from promotion in the U.S.A. . As with European countries as a whole, many medium-sized companies have particulary profited from the very positive and dynamic economic situation in the U.S.A. during Mr. Clinton´s period of office.


ME Award 2002/2003 (Europäischer Mittelstandspreis) by the European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises together with its subsidiary branch, the German Union of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (UMU). The Vice President of the European Parliament, Dr. Ingo Friedrich, MdEP, held the speech in honour of Mr. Clinton.


The presentation ceremony of the award was conducted under the patronage of the former German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, in the presence of prominent guests of honour in Munich on the 4th October 2002.

The prize was awarded to the former U.S. president in acknowledgement of his contributions to the flourishing world economy and export trade during his period of office as president. Due to Mr. Clinton´s efforts, many small and medium-sized firms benefited from promotion in the U.S.A. . As with European countries as a whole, many medium-sized companies have particulary profited from the very positive and dynamic economic situation in the U.S.A. during Mr. Clinton´s period of office.

Europea SME Award 2007 for Gerhard Schröder

Gerhard Schröder, the 7th Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, is the first German recipient of the European Elite SME Award at the global level. On November 5, 2007, he received the award for his services to the European economy and European medium-sized companies as part of a festive event in the Bertelsmann representative office “Bertelsmann Unter den Linden 1” in Berlin. Previous recipients are Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, and former Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji.


The prize is awarded by the Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises e.V. - UMU, Munich, and its European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EUSME), Brussels, supported by other SME associations. This means that around 1.3 million companies with more than 5 million employees are behind the award.


The jury emphasized Gerhard Schröder's contribution to the realization of fundamental social and economic reforms in the Federal Republic. Despite strong opposition in large parts of the population, he began with great courage to resolve the decades-long reform backlog on the labor market and in the social security systems. UMU President Hermann Sturm: “The entry into funded pension insurance is a milestone in securing the future of the German pension system. And the reforms under the terms 'Agenda 2010' and 'Hartz' mean a paradigm shift in German politics. "


Laudator Professor Roland Berger praised Gerhard Schröder as an important reform chancellor. Germany's best-known management consultant explains: "From an economic point of view, our current economic upswing is the upswing of our capable entrepreneurs and employees. Politically, however, it is the upswing of our former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder."


The jury also praised the tax reforms in Gerhard Schröder's reign, through which small and medium-sized companies were significantly relieved, his commitment to securing the long-term energy supply and his commitment to promoting exports to German companies.

ESM Zhu Rongji2004/05

European Small and Medium-Sized Companies presented an award to the former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji


The former Premier of China, Zhu Rongji was awarded the European SME Award (Europäischer Mittelstandspreis) by The European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises together with the subsidiary branch, the German Union of Small and Medium-Enterprises together with the subsidiary branch, the German Union of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (UMU)

Zhu Rongji accepted the award in Peking on 7th December 2004. The former German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, held the speech in Zhu Rongji´s honour.

In presenting the award to the former Chinese Premier, the president of the UMU and treasurer of the EUMU, Mr. Hermann Sturm explained, "The reforms implemented in China during Zhu Rongji´s term of office from 1998 to 2003 made foreign capital investment in China possible." He added that many small and medium-sized companies in Europe have benefited from these reforms. Without the efforts of Zhu Rongji, such companies would have had no chance within the Chinese markets. In particular, through the promotion of the Transrapid he contributed to the development of German advanced technologies. Many medium-sized and small service and delivery providers were able to win contracts through the promotion of major projects supported by foreign investors, such as the construction of the Shanghai subway system.

With Cina joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Zhu Rongji laid the foundation for the promotion of China to one of the greatest economic powers on Earth. Mr. Sturm added, "For over two decades, Zhu Rongji was the driving force behind rapid economic development within China. He has been to China what Ludwig Erhard was to Germany."

SME Award Bill Clinton 2002

SME Award 2002/2003 (Europäischer Mittelstandspreis) by the European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises together with its subsidiary branch, the German Union of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (UMU). The Vice President of the European Parliament, Dr. Ingo Friedrich, MdEP, held the speech in honour of Mr. Clinton.


The presentation ceremony of the award was conducted under the patronage of the former German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, in the presence of prominent guests of honour in Munich on the 4th October 2002.

The prize was awarded to the former U.S. president in acknowledgement of his contributions to the flourishing world economy and export trade during his period of office as president. Due to Mr. Clinton´s efforts, many small and medium-sized firms benefited from promotion in the U.S.A. . As with European countries as a whole, many medium-sized companies have particulary profited from the very positive and dynamic economic situation in the U.S.A. during Mr. Clinton´s period of office.


ME Award 2002/2003 (Europäischer Mittelstandspreis) by the European Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises together with its subsidiary branch, the German Union of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (UMU). The Vice President of the European Parliament, Dr. Ingo Friedrich, MdEP, held the speech in honour of Mr. Clinton.


The presentation ceremony of the award was conducted under the patronage of the former German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, in the presence of prominent guests of honour in Munich on the 4th October 2002.

The prize was awarded to the former U.S. president in acknowledgement of his contributions to the flourishing world economy and export trade during his period of office as president. Due to Mr. Clinton´s efforts, many small and medium-sized firms benefited from promotion in the U.S.A. . As with European countries as a whole, many medium-sized companies have particulary profited from the very positive and dynamic economic situation in the U.S.A. during Mr. Clinton´s period of office.